We’ve Moved!

Don’t you worry; we’re just a few doors down!

Come on in to Suite 13! Watch the video in below to take a tour of our beautiful new space!

If you haven’t seen the new office in person yet, you have a chance to at our Client Appreciation Holiday Soirée on November 11th, 2022, 6-8pm!
We’ll also be offering FREE High Frequency Light Therapy sessions, discounts on the wellness products you love + trust,
and of course, free decadent food and beverages (alcoholic & non-alcoholic)!
More info & RSVP on Facebook:

When you walk up to the building, you’ll smell the rosemary bushes and see a beautiful blooming outdoor flower. Open the door and you’ll be greeted by Colene’s assistants, Kat and Cortney! The natural light fills the waiting area, bouncing off of the bright blue chairs. You’ll feel at ease hearing the water fountain trickle while you look at the calm ocean aesthetic and some natural greenery. “I’m ready for you,” Colene will say. It’s time for your appointment!
You’ll either go into her treatment room to slip into deeper relaxation + pain relief with her effective, but gentle Ortho-Bionomy® modalities, OR, you’ll step into the LED Light Therapy room to let light do the healing.
If this is your first appointment, Colene’s going to take you into her consulting & training room. There are also other fascinating (and fun) physical tools to help you build strength or detox during your session.
In the back of the office is an available room for an esthetician. We’re excited to be able to offer space to another health professional who can provide services alongside our physical & mental health. If you are or know someone who would be interested in the room, please have them email Cortney at cortneymindbodyaz@gmail.com.


How To Thank Your Body


LED Light Therapy: How Can It Help Me?