Healthy Eating

Dr. Georgia Bichekas
Psychotherapy ✧ counseling ✧ nutrition

A poor diet can cause obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Studies conducted over the last 20 years have demonstrated a connection between poor diet and mood disorders, like depression and anxiety.

Check out my list of foods I DO / DO NOT recommend for your healthiest self below!

If you’d like a personalized overview of your diet or if you’d like to talk about changing your habits, feel free to book an appointment with me!


Farmed Fish

high in toxic industrial compounds + components, also low in omega 3's


impedes on body’s ability to make a protein (BDNF) that’s essential for brain growth, development, and stress management

High-Glycemic Load Carbohydrates

white flour (bread, pasta), white rice, and white potatoes

Artificial Sweeteners

100x sweeter than sugar and has negative effects on the brain

Bad Fats

trans fats + saturated fats

Caffeine + Alcohol

if anxiety and/or sleep are concerns


Leafy Greens

swiss chard, kale, broccoli rabe, collars, spinach

Rainbow Fruits + Vegetables

blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, tomatoes, red potatoes, yellow peppers, squash, sweet potatoes, yellow potatoes


marine + fresh water fish, shellfish, algae, etc.

Nuts, Beans, and Seeds

almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds


grass-fed + finished beef, lamb, poultry-free, range, organic

Eggs + Fermented Dairy

eggs (high in choline, protein, B vitamins), yogurt, kefir

Dark Chocolate

85% dark or higher, take 1-2 oz/day


Procell Microchanneling